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Research Strategy at Oslo New University College

Oslo New University College's research strategy focuses on high-quality research, guided by a committed board and academic staff. Emphasizing innovation and excellence, the strategy integrates research within its quality system, ensuring relevance and impact across various disciplines.

We prioritize our own research

The university college's board has the overarching responsibility for research and makes strategic priorities based on the research strategy. The Research and Development Committee advises the college's management on research matters and has a special responsibility for the research strategy.

Research at the college is primarily conducted by the academic staff. We have researchers at the PhD candidate, university college lecturer, associate professor, and professor levels. A primary goal of the college is to promote high-quality research within relevant subject areas and to involve students in the research.​

The research strategic work is led by the rector, who has a pro-rector for research in their staff.

The research leader heads the Research Committee (FUU) at the college. The FU has representatives from other educational institutions, students, PhD candidates, and other academic staff, and provides advice to the management and board on matters related to research and development.

The role of research work in the college's quality system

Research quality is a separate quality area in the college's quality system. The quality area deals with the level, scope, and relevance of the research activities carried out in the respective academic environments. See Systematic Quality Work at ONH and the annual quality reports for more information about research quality and related reporting."

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