Peace, or continued war in Ethiopia? | by Kjetil Tronvoll
Ethiopia is balancing on the precipice – continued war or the beginning of peace talks? The withdrawal of the Tigrayan forces back to their home region has opened a window for political talks, but it is still unclear whether the Ethiopian government and its allies will seize this opportunity to pursue genuine peace negotiations. The alternative might be a prolonged and devastating guerrilla war that would risk driving the country to the brink of political and economic collapse.
Publisert i Forskningsaktuelt Tirsdag 1. mars, 2022 - 14:52 | sist oppdatert Mandag 27. november, 2023 - 14:15
The Ethiopian civil war is entering its second year of intense fighting. The Ethiopian war theatre – involving federal and regional government troops and militias, irregular Amhara militias (Fano), Eritrean Defence Forces (EDF), Tigray Defence Force (TDF), and the Ormo Liberation Army (OLA) as the key belligerent parties – was the largest armed conflict in the world in 2021. Tens of thousands of combatants have perished on the battlefields, thousands of civilians have been massacred, and rape and famine have been weaponized in a desperate battle for supremacy.