Phelps and White on Social Psychology and Neoliberalism
– Our commentary discusses the relationship between the discipline of social psychology and neoliberalism, says Phelps and White.
Publisert i Forskningsaktuelt av Christopher White Onsdag 18. juli, 2018 - 09:47 | sist oppdatert Onsdag 3. februar, 2021 - 19:45
Problems associated with neoliberalism
In this paper, Associate Professor Joshua Phelps and Associate Professor Christopher White, highlight some of the problems they associate with the term neoliberalism, particularly when used by those on the left who are keen to critique the potentially negative influence of the free market on so many aspects of our lives. Though sympathetic with this aim -they point out that the term is by no means invalid- they nonetheless suggest that too often, neoliberalism as a concept is used imprecisely and in an overextended manner and that this has the unfortunate consequence of potentially silencing alternative discussions that might be better placed to formulate alternatives to the current market-based arrangements so prevalent in all aspects of society.
Joshua M. Phelps & Christopher Michael White, ‘Social Psychology and Neoliberalism: A Critical Commentary on McDonald, Gough, Wearing, and Deville’, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 18 July, 2018, pp.1-7.