Ingvild Sagberg
Associate Professor/Førsteamanuensis

Ingvilds field is within organizational psychology, and her main research interest is in the psychological experience of being new to an organization and/or an organizational role.
This includes the organizational socialization and onboarding of new employees or employees in new roles (for instance as leaders), and graduates entering professional work for the first time.
Other areas of interest: organizational culture and work environment; team climate and development; leadership and management theory; qualitative approaches to research in organizations and management.
2017 PhD Organizational psychology, University of Oslo, Norway
2005 MSc in Psychology (Health, vocational and organizational psychology) NTNU Trondheim, Norway
2003 BA (Psychology, Business administration), University of Oslo, Norway
2020- Associate Professor, Oslo Nye University College
2007-2012 PhD research fellow, University of Oslo, Norway
1997- Various experience: HRM, recruitment, administrative work, copyediting and academic writing
2021- Organizational psychology, Oslo Nye University College
2007-2008 University of Oslo, Psychology students
- Organizational entry
- Organizational newcomers: Socialization and onboarding
- Work role transitions – new leadership role
- Transition to work: From student to employee
Utvalgte publikasjoner
- Sagberg, I. (2017). Ny jobb: Hvordan gi nyansatte en god start i organisasjonen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
- Sagberg, I. (2016). Newcomer psychologists and organizational socialization: Can a content model capture the experience? Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1(1), 8.
- Sagberg, I. (2014). Frustrated with the system: The professional entry of psychologists. Nordic Psychology, 66(3), 187–201.