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Humanitarianism and Conflict Response - FK6020 (10 sp)

This course seeks to connect conflict studies with humanitarianism to explore contemporary challenges. We will examine some of the principal theories of international relations, such as post-colonialism, structuralism and realism, and use various conflict analysis tools in order to understand power, social and economic dynamics. This course will also examine the legislative, ethical and geopolitical framework of humanitarian engagement to evaluate its impact and potential at a global, national and local level.

Opptakskrav:Generell studiekompetanse
Fysisk oppmøte:Nei

Approximately 300 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance every year. With a budget of over 50 billion USD and a workforce over 600 000 people (Global Humanitarian Overview), humanitarian engagement is essential in providing strategic responses to an increasingly tumultuous world. The destruction and displacement of people from war, the ramifications of economic and climate crises, and the prevalence of conflict and poverty have created strenuous living conditions for millions of people around the world.

A variety of challenges, such as democratic backsliding, disinformation campaigns, environmental crises and conflicts emphasise the need of understanding conflict dynamics and ethical humanitarian interventions. In this module we bridge the theoretical and practical divide to examine the intricacy of complex emergencies. 

Addressing international trends in climate crisis, conflict, women’s rights and mental health, students are expected to conduct independent analysis of complex settings using quantitate and qualitative data, ethical humanitarian problem-solving skills and succinct writing skills to elaborate on strategic responses.

This course is part of Årsstudium i fred, demokrati og humanitært arbeid


  • Understanding of the legal and ethical implications of complex humanitarian operations.
  • Overview of humanitarian sub-sectors, trends and needs.
  • Knowledge of diverse perspective of conflict analysis.
  • Awareness of decision-making in emergency situations.
  • Understanding of global south and north power dynamics in humanitarian operations.


  • Apply critical thinking to humanitarian interventions and operations.
  • Demonstrate analytical and critical appraisal. 
  • Compare and contrast diverse narratives based on political agendas and interests.
  • Use quantitative and qualitative data to identify humanitarian needs and provide situational analysis.


  • Display an understanding of humanitarian work and complex environments.
  • Understand of the complexity of conflict analysis. 
  • Be able to connect political, humanitarian and sustainability needs.
  • Awareness of negotiations for humanitarian space in conflict areas.


  • Project Proposal: 1000-1500 words (40% of the grade, grading system A-F).
  • Individual Essay: 2500 words (+/- 10 %, 60% of the grade, grading system A-F).

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