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Migration and Refugee Studies - INT6110 (10 sp)

Migration and refugee studies is an interdisciplinary course which draws on a range of theoretical approaches from political science, law, economics, sociology, human geography and history to make sense of international migration.

Dette emnet undervises på engelsk og beskrives derfor på engelsk.

About the Course:

Migration and refugee studies is an interdisciplinary course which draws on a range of theoretical approaches from political science, law, economics, sociology, human geography and history to make sense of international migration. The course approaches population movements globally as interconnected phenomena, offering an introduction to the study of migration, including refugees and migrants, migrants in different regions globally, as well as the perspectives of states of emigration and immigration, and of migrants themselves. Through a variety of empirical examples from across the globe, foregrounding both politics and economics, the course discusses issues of border control and refugees, methods of measuring migration and global patterns of migration, as well as integration processes and transnational ties that follow on from international migration. The aim is both to encourage critical reflection about how knowledge of international migration is produced and provide a broad-based introduction to the basic knowledge in the field of international migration. 

After completing this course, the student is expected to have acquired the following learning outcomes:


  • gain an understanding of the academic study of migration and globalization studies as part of the discipline of international relations
  • understand some of the key historical trends associated with the movements of people in the past and present
  • develop an awareness of the key economic, security and political determinants of migration and refugee movements


  • gain a more historically informed understanding of how, why and where people migrate
  • critically engage with the ethical and political challenges associated with migration and refugee movements including the public policy challenges associated with managing migration
  • have a clear understanding of the positive and negative responses of countries and populations responding to migratory flows.


  • understand the global nature of today´s migratory flows
  • develop an understanding of the economic and political consequences of today´s migratory flows
  • develop an understanding of some of the methodological challenges associated with the subject of migration and refugee studies
  • develop an awareness of the ethical controversies, and understand the political sensitivities associated with the pros and cons of migratory flows


The requirement must be passed in accordance to given deadline in order to register for the exams.

  • written assignment/Essay outline, 2 pages (pass/fail)


This course consists of two separate exams that together constitute the final grade. Both exams must be passed in order to pass the course. Students can retake one or both exams.

  • take home exam (individual essay); memo: 3000 words (+/- 10 % excluding front page and reference list) (60 % of the grade, grading system A – F)
  • 3 hour written exam (40 % of the grade, grading system A – F)

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