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The digital workplace: team and process leadership - ØKAD1270 (15 ECT)

Learn how to interact better digitally and understand the challenges of digital collaboration.

Opptakskrav:Generell studiekompetanse
Studiestart:Høst og vår
Fysisk oppmøte:Nei


About the subject

Workplaces are becoming more digital in several ways: We use digital tools at work, while the work itself largely takes place on digital surfaces and collaboration arenas. The digital work environment cuts across time, place and organisations. Digital technology affects how we work, while our characteristics as colleagues and human beings affect how we relate to opportunities and challenges in the digital workplace.

Key learning points

  • To have broad insight into collaboration, group processes, team organization, work environment, work processes, and process leadership.
  • To have insight into key characteristics of the digital workplace and the impact of digitalization on collaboration and work processes.
  • To have insight into various approaches, methods, and techniques in process and team leadership and to understand the academic foundation which they are based on.
  • To be familiar with research and development work within the topic of digital work and collaboration processes in the workplace.
  • To be able to update one's knowledge of digital team and process leadership.


  • To be able to apply insight into digital work processes, team, and process leadership to practical challenges in a specific work environment and provide advice on designing and developing work processes and collaboration methods.
  • To be able to reflect on the role of a process leader and how one can influence the work environment and group dynamics in such a role.
  • To be able to locate, assess, and refer to information and professional resources, and present this information to highlight challenges and opportunities related to a practice-relevant situation.
  • To be able to apply insight into how various approaches, methods, and tools for team and process leadership work, and discuss and evaluate their suitability in a specific context.
  • To be able to identify and discuss opportunities and challenges related to the digitalization of the work environment.


  • To be able to communicate about academic content, work methods and subject matter both in writing and orally using relevant professional terminology. 
  • To be able to exchange viewpoints and discuss professional issues with others in a multidisciplinary environment, thereby contributing constructively to collaboration and work processes.
  • To be able to plan a digital project.


Approval of the coursework is a prerequisite for taking the exam. The requirements for this course are:

A written assignment that has received a passing grade.


An individual written home exam carried out within 48 hours, consisting of 2,000 words (+/- 10%) according to the specified format requirements and referencing style. The content of the exam is based on the learning outcomes. The exam paper is graded on a letter scale (A – F).

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