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The Eating Disorder Lab

The Eating Disorders Lab focuses on research, development, and innovation in the field of eating disorders. It is an interdisciplinary group consisting of faculty with diverse backgrounds, such as psychology, health, nutrition, and related fields. The group was established in 2024 by Professor Camilla Lindvall Dahlgren and Associate Professor Line Wisting at ONH.

banner til the eating disorder lab

The vision of the lab is to foster a focused yet comprehensive environment for studying eating disorders at ONH. By inviting experienced researchers, students, healthcare professionals and people with lived experiences, the lab aims to enhance understanding, promote prevention, and contribute to the development of novel treatment strategies. Ultimately, the goal is to improve the quality of life for individuals affected by eating disorders.

Individuals interested in joining the group are welcome to contact Camilla or Line. 

Research group leaders 

Camilla Lindvall Dahlgren 

Professor in psychology | +47 472 91 950 | camilla.lindvall.dahlgren@oslonh.no 

Camilla Lindvall Dahlgren

Camilla Lindvall Dahlgren is a professor in clinical psychology and head of research at the Department of Psychology at Oslo New University College (Oslo Nye Høyskole), where she teaches health psychology, research methods, and abnormal psychology. 

She holds a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Oslo and conducted research on eating disorders and obesity at Oslo University Hospital between 2009 and 2022. Camilla has a particular focus on mental health in adolescents and has been a leader in developing cognitive remediation therapy (Cognitive Remediation Therapy) for children and adolescents with anorexia. Her research initiatives span epidemiology, diagnostics, and treatment of mental health disorders, and she aims to contribute to the understanding of who develops mental health issues, how these problems can be identified early in their course, and the factors involved in the recovery process. Additionally, in recent years, her work has expanded to explore the potential of psychedelics in the treatment of mental illness.

Line Wisting

Associate Professor II | line.wisting@ous-hf.no

Line Wisting

Line Wisting (PhD) is a senior researcher at the Regional Department for Eating Disorders (RASP) at Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål, and associate professor at ONH. 

She holds a PhD in health psychology from the University of Oslo and has conducted several projects focusing on eating problems and eating disorders, including among individuals with type 1 diabetes. Currently, she is working on the "Body Project," a program designed to promote positive body image and prevent eating disorders in at-risk groups, including young women, young athletes, and individuals with type 1 diabetes. She is currently leading two RCT studies testing the effectiveness of the "Body Project." Line also teaches in the master's program in psychology at ONH. 

Ulrike Liisberg

Ulrike Liisberg

Ulrike is the head of the Department of Health Sciences and has previously been responsible for the nutrition and basic medical courses at Oslo New University College. She holds a degree in biology and nutrition and earned her PhD, where she investigated how the composition of the diet influences the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Ulrike’s doctoral research focused on pre-clinical studies examining the effects of various diets. Her PhD was part of a larger international project. She is also involved in evaluating Matjungelen, a dietary initiative aimed at school-aged children, and is a member of the nutrition research group at ONH. 

Kornelia Antonsen Ekeli 

Kornelia Ekeli

Kornelia Antonsen Ekeli is a lecturer at Oslo New University College, where she supervises and teaches various introductory courses in psychology. She holds a master’s degree in psychology from the University of Oslo, as well as studies in English and practical-pedagogical education. Her Master's thesis focused on sexuality and sexual health, and she has a keen interest in several areas within health, social, and personality psychology, in addition to quantitative research methods.

Helene Nordby (ekstern) 

Helene Nordby

Helene Bergh Nordby is a psychologist at TSB Ullevål. She has previously worked at the outpatient clinic and the Obesity Surgery Section at Aker Hospital, focusing on bariatric surgery patients. In her clinical practice, she has worked with eating disorders, substance abuse, personality disorders, trauma, self-esteem issues, and obesity. She wrote her thesis based on data from the Oslo Bariatric Surgery Study, examining cognitive function, eating behavior, and weight outcomes among bariatric surgery patients. She is particularly interested in the connection between physical and mental health, as well as challenges related to behavior change. Her research interests include understanding the factors that contribute to and maintain obesity, the prevalence of comorbid mental disorders in this population, how to create holistic treatment for patients suffering from obesity, as well as binge eating problems and how to assess and treat them. In the coming years, she plans to specialize in clinical health psychology.

Gro Walø-Syversen (ekstern) 

Gro Walø-Syversen

Gro Walø-Syversen is a clinical psychologist specializing in addiction and substance use psychology. She earned her PhD from the University of Oslo in 2021, with a dissertation focused on the longitudinal research project Oslo Bariatric Surgery Study (OBSS) Cognitive. The project was carried out through close collaboration between the Regional Department for Eating Disorders at Ullevål Hospital, the Center for Obesity at Aker Hospital, and the University of Oslo. Gro has a solid foundation and a profound interest in research areas such as obesity, obesity treatment, and addiction. Beyond her research, Gro contributes to the field as the psychological editor for Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, the journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association. With her combination of practical experience and academic expertise, she offers valuable insights into the field of psychology.
Photo: Thomas Bruun NTB.

Sunniva Mollandsøy

Sunniva Mollandsøy

Sunniva Beeder Mollandsøy is a psychologist and project manager at the Counseling Service for Eating Disorders (ROS). She primarily works with research and dissemination on binge eating disorder and leads groups and courses focused on eating issues. She is also the head of ROSkompetanse. Sunniva is particularly interested in binge eating disorder, eating disorders in individuals with higher body weight, weight stigma, and ARFID (Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder). She holds a degree in psychology from the University of Bergen and completed her clinical internship at UC Berkeley in the United States. During her studies, she worked on research at the Center for Crisis Psychology. She has also completed a bachelor's degree in Spanish language and Latin American studies.

Deborah Glasofer

Deborah Glasofer

Dr. Deborah R Glasofer is an Associate Professor of Clinical Medical Psychology (in psychiatry). At the New York State Psychiatric Institute, she has been involved in a variety of psychotherapy development studies for eating disorders in adults, and has an interest in enhancing the training of healthcare providers and trainees in principles of eating disorders assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. Within Columbia's Department of Psychiatry, she provides instruction to residents in cognitive behavioral therapy (for mood, anxiety, and eating disorders) and serves as a team member of CopeColumbia, a multidisciplinary group that formed during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide peer support and enhance wellbeing among healthcare providers and hospital staff. Dr. Glasofer enjoys writing for the popular press on topics related to mental health and has authored several books on eating disorders for clinicians, academics, and the public. In 2024, she served as a visiting researcher and lecturer at ONH, supported by a Fulbright scholarship.

Lasse Bang 

Lasse Bang

Lasse Bang is a senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI), primarily focusing on research related to the mental health of children and young people. He has a particular focus on societal trends in mental health issues and disorders over time. His work also includes exploring biological and environmental risk factors contributing to mental health challenges. The work combines epidemiological and psychological approaches.

Lowan H. Stewart

Lowan stewart

Dr. Stewart is a specialist Emergency Physician, Fellow of the American College of Emergency Medicine, practicing since 2003 in the US and in Norway. He trained at the University of New Mexico School of medicine, the University of Texas at Austin and Oregon Health and Sciences University. He served as Emergency Department Chair at Willamette Falls Hospital and as an associate clinical professor at Oregon Health Sciences University. He worked as a board member of the Norwegian Society of Emergency Medicine to bring the new specialty of emergency medicine (AMM) to Norway. He was a cofounder of Insight Ketamine - the first in New Mexico in 2016, Axon Clinic - the first in Norway in 2018, and the first public ketamine treatment unit in Scandinavia at Sykehuset Østfold in 2020. His past research includes studies on the evolution of emotions and winter depression. He has also studied complexity theory at the Santa Fe Institute, space medicine at the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and international public health. His current research interests include using novel psychoactive medications in the treatment of mood disorders and addiction. He is a medical consultant for PsykForsk, DPS Nordre Østfold working on clinical trials with psilocybin, MDMA, ketamine and esketamine, (site-initiated and previously with MAPS and COMPASS). He is an advisor to the public ketamine treatment center at DPS Moss, assisting and training additional treatment centers in the public health system. He served as the Regional Director of the nordics for Awakn Life Sciences, and is now the medical Director of Axon Clinics. He is a founding member of the national research group Norwegian Rapid-Acting Antidepressant Network (NORAAD), and is part of the psychedelic research group at the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo. Dr. Stewart is the co-founder of the Norwegian Association for Psychedelic Science, an Expert Faculty Member of the American Society of Ketamine Physicians and serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Psychedelic Studies.  

Cato Grønnerød 

Cato Grønnerød

Cato Grønnerød er førsteamanuensis ved Psykologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo. CG er utdannet psykolog fra Universitetet i Oslo i 1995 med tidligere bakgrunn fra informatikk. Han avla doktorgrad ved Universitetet i Oslo i 2004 innen området testmetodikk, har vært forsker i Forsvaret, kliniker i Sykehuset Østfold og blant annet jobbet med ungdom med spiseforstyrrelser, og har vært førsteamanuensis ved UiO siden 2007. CG ble spesialist i klinisk voksenpsykologi i 2017. CG har et flere titalls internasjonale publikasjoner innen personlighetsvurdering, sakkyndighetsarbeid og behandlingsforskning, og har utgitt en bok om psykologisk utredning av voksne. Han har omfattende undervisningserfaring fra personlighet, personlighetsvurdering og klinisk ferdighetstrening og har drevet ulike typer privatpraksis. Han har de siste årene gjort mange ulike typer sakkyndighetsutredninger av psykisk helse hos voksne, herunder rettspsykiatriske vurderinger.

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