Camilla Lindvall Dahlgren

Camilla er professor i psykologi, og underviser i abnormal psykologi, helsepsykologi og forskningsmetode ved ONH.
Camilla is Professor in clinical psychology at Oslo New College University. She teaches abnormal psychology (Bachelor level), health psychology and research methods (Master level). Camilla’s research interests include the epidemiology, assessment and treatment of eating disorders and obesity, and she has a particularly interested in child and adolescent mental health.
2023-present - Professor in Clinical Psychology, Oslo New University College (ONH)
2020-2023 - Associate Professor, Oslo New University College (ONH)
2018-2022 - Senior researcher, Oslo University Hospital
2016 - Visiting researcher, Columbia University Medical Center, New York
2016 - Visiting researcher, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York
2014-2018 - Postdoctoral researcher, Oslo University Hospital
2014-2015 - Cognitive remediation therapist, Spiseforstyrrelsesklinikken, Oslo
2014 - Senior research clinician, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford (UK)
2011-2013 - PhD candidate, Oslo University Hospital
2011-2013 - PhD in clinical psychology, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital
2005-2008 - Master (MA) in psychology, University of Oslo
2003-2005 - Bachelor (BA) in psychology, University of Oslo
2002-2003 - Social anthropology, University of Oslo
1997-1998 - Pedagogy, Lund University, Sweden
Jobber med
Camilla teaches abnormal psychology, health psychology and research methods at ONH.
Camilla supervises PhD candidates, Bachelor, and Master students in psychology. She is also a clinical supervisor in eating disorder diagnostics and cognitive remediation therapy. Students or prospective students who are interested in exploring research in the topics listed below (or others) are welcome to contact Camilla.
Research areas
• Eating disorders (epidemiology, diagnostics, assessment, treatment, prevention)
• Obesity (bariatric surgery)
• Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT) for eating disorders
• Youth mental health
• Social media, body image, self-harm
Current research
Eating Disorders in Norwegian Youth – An epidemiological study (EDY-EPI)
The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of feeding and eating disorders in Norwegian Youth. It is a collaboration between Regional Seksjon Spiseforstyrrelser (RASP), OUS Ullevål, Folkehelseinstituttet, Columbia University Department of Psychiatry (USA) and Universitetes Senter for Informasjonsteknologi (USIT), UiO. Dam Foundation in Norway (Stiftelsen Dam) in collaboration with the Norwegian Association for Mental Health (Mental Helse).
Transdiagnostic Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT) for Eating Disorders
A randomized controlled trial comparing cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) plus treatment as usual (TAU) to TAU alone. The study is led by Dr. Siri Weider at NTNU. More Information about this study can be found here.
Oslo Bariatric Surgery Study (OBSS) Cognitive: A 5-year follow-up
A longitudinal study focusing on memory function and weight loss 5 years following bariatric surgery. The project is a collaboration between Senter for Sykelig Overvekt, OUS Aker and Oslo Nye Høyskole.
Completed research projects are listed here.
An overview of Camilla’s publications, presentations and projects can be found in the Norwegian research information system CRISTIN.
Utvalgte publikasjoner
- Member of the Process and Outcome of Eating Disorders (PROUD) research group, UiO
- Associate member of the Eating and Weight Disorders Research Group (EWeR), NTNU
- Member of the Eating Disorder Research Society (EDRS)
- Eating disorder consultant in the TikTok series “TOXIC”
- Regular contributor to Medisinernes Mentale Helseopplysning (MMO)
- Senior Editor in Journal of Eating Disorders
- Associate Editor in Frontiers in Psychology (2020-2022)