Forsiden Forskning Forskningspublikasjoner Psykologi Menstrual attitudes in adult women Social media stress and mental health: A brief report on the protective role of emotional intelligence Further evidence of the association between social media use, eating disorder pathology and appearance ideals and pressure: a cross-sectional study in Norwegian adolescents Effectiveness of virtually delivered Body Project groups to prevent eating disorders in young women at risk: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial The Income-Happiness Nexus: Uncovering the Importance of Social Comparison Processes in Subjective Well-Being Enhancing Self-Reported Assessment of Working Conditions in Policing: Revisiting the Psychometric Properties and Applications of the Police Stress Questionnaire Estimated prevalence of DSM-5 eating disorders in Norwegian adolescents: A community based two-phase study Pushing too far? Negotiations of non-compliance and resistance to the COVID-19 cabin ban in Norway Unges forståelser av åpenhet om psykiske problemer: en kvalitativ studie “Everybody Needs to Do Their Part, So We Can Get This Under Control.” Reactions to the Norwegian Government Meta-Narratives on COVID-19 Measures Sider Første side « Første Forrige side ‹‹ Side 1 Side 2 Side 3 Side 4 Side 5 Side 6 Neste side ›› Siste side Siste »