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Consumer Psychology and Communication - PSY6210 (15 sp)

Consumer Psychology and Communication concerns how and why consumers as social beings and individual decision-makers engage in consumer activities, such as watching Netflix, travelling, grocery shopping or engagement on social media. The purpose of learning consumer psychology is to get tools to be able to navigate in the complex system of the human brain and the choices we make as consumers.  

Opptakskrav:Generell studiekompetanse
Studiested:Nettstudier og på Campus
Studiestart:Høst og vår
Fysisk oppmøte:Ja for stedlige studenter. Nei for nettstudenter

Dette emnet undervises på engelsk og beskrives derfor på engelsk.

About this course

This course will place considerable focus on cognitive processes and behavior, (motivation, perception and attention, etc.) as well as how principles from cognitive and social psychology may explain how and why consumers acquire goods and services. 

The real cost of something is also the time, attention, mental and physical effort spent. Therefore to understand consumers, we will study personality traits, memory, learning, our attention and perception; how our attitudes are formed, and how attitudes subsequently affect our intentions and behavior. 

Consumers are also affected by others, peers, and other reference groups; thus consumption also constitutes a mechanism for creating identities in different social groups. Importantly, consumption has the capacity to affect consumer’s wellbeing and subjective happiness. 

We will learn to identify a range of techniques used in communication to persuade people. What makes advertising effective? How can firms design their offerings in order to help consumers make greener decisions? How can storytelling change our perceptions and create emotional responses? 

In short, if you want to get better at analyzing consumers, understanding persuasion, design better solutions and be more effective with communication in general or just want to know why we do some of the silly things we do as consumers, then take this course. 


  • Have comprehensive knowledge about psychological theories and principles of consumer decision making and behavior
  • Have knowledge about how interpersonal and social factors may influence consumers’ mental processes and behaviors
  • Have knowledge about consumer behavior in both the physical and digital spheres. 
  • Have knowledge about how marketing communication may affect consumers within a framework focusing upon persuasion and advertising psychology.


  • Can apply relevant theoretical concepts from consumer psychology when analyzing consumer decision making and behaviors 
  • Can describe and explain everyday consumer behavior using relevant concepts such as motivation, attention, perception, emotions, and attitudes
  • Can identify the mechanisms of persuasion in marketing communication and their impact on consumer attitudes, emotions, and decisions
  • Have basic skills in designing and executing empirical studies in order to answer basic questions about consumer behavior

General competence 

  • Can make ethical reflections on marketing communication and persuading consumers
  • Can participate in discussions on consumer behavior using professional and academic terminology

Requirement for taking the exam: 
Pass on a mandatory seminar/webinar. 

The exam in PSY6210 consists of a portfolio which is delivered at the end of the course, which consists of four different assignments. The tasks in the portfolio include that the students will apply theoretical concepts, design data collection and reflect on different methods of research, analyze empirical material using relevant theory, reflecting on ethical aspects of persuasion and to conclude the course writing a short essay. 

It is possible and encouraged to work with the assignments and attend the exam related seminars throughout the semester. The grading of the portfolio is A-F. The exam covers the learning outcomes.